Interview with former insurance industry executive turned climate activist

大手保険会社の代表から気候変動活動家へ:Takaさん インタビュー

Major Japanese Insurers Raise Fire Insurance Premiums Amid Rising Climate Disasters


SOMPO: Stop Underwriting Rio Grande LNG



What is the role of insurance companies in the climate crisis? A case study of SOMPO’s involvement in the Rio Grande LNG Project


Tokio Marine has yet to deny involvement in EACOP: First-Hand Experience from Ugandan Activist, Hilda Flavia Nakabuye


Rio Grande LNG Project Fact Sheet

Exposed: Insurers of Ichthys LNG – one of world’s biggest gas projects

The Arctic Refuge Scorecard

The Oil and Gas Policy Tracker

Finance sector has moral imperative to exclude Russian fossil fuel firms

Documents reveal Chubb, MAPFRE & Tokio Marine backing massive offshore oil expansion in Brazil

Fuelling Climate Change: The Insurers Behind Brazil’s Offshore Oil Expansion

Documents Reveal Chubb, MAPFRE, and Tokio Marine Backing Massive Offshore Oil Expansion in Brazil

Fueling Climate Change: The Insurers Behind Brazil’s Offshore Oil Expansion

2021 Scorecard on Insurance, Fossil Fuels & Climate Change

Insurers’ support for oil and gas undermines climate targets

First Japanese insurance company adopts coal exit policy

Tokio Marine: hot contender for corporate greenwashing award

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